
ASTM E11 Screen Tray Reverification

ASTM E11 Inspection Screen Tray Reverification

ASTM E11 Inspection Screen Tray Reverification

Model: GV-61R
Price: $119.50
ASTM E11 Calibration Screen Tray Reverification

ASTM E11 Calibration Screen Tray Reverification

Model: GV-66R
Price: $198.50

Gilson’s Screen Tray Reverification Services confirm that your previously purchased Screen Trays for Testing Screen, Test Master®, and Porta-Screen® models continue to meet ASTM E11 specifications. In-service Screen Trays are shipped to our Verification Laboratory, where a process identical to the Verification of New Screen Trays is followed. A specified number of openings in each tray are individually measured using a NIST traceable optical comparator. The computerized system performs a statistical analysis and prints a Verification Report documenting that the Screen Trays meet ASTM requirements. Detailed information for shipping Screen Trays to us for Verification can be found here.

ASTM E11 Inspection Screen Tray Reverification confirms that in-service screen trays still meet ASTM Inspection Grade requirements, and have 99% statistical confidence that the standard deviation of opening sizes is correct. Inspection Grade wire cloth a good option when an application requires documentation of accuracy and repeatability.

ASTM E11 Calibration Screen Tray Reverification assures that Screen Trays in use continue to meet ASTM Calibration Grade requirements, with a statistical level of confidence at 99.73% that the standard deviation of openings meets requirements. Calibration Sieves are the best choice when a very high degree of accuracy is required.


  • Continued compliance with ASTM E11 Inspection or Calibration Grade requirements is assured

Included Items:

  • Verification Report documents include measurements, histograms, and statistical analysis

Sieve Reverification Process:

Gilson Sieve Reverification Process
Specification ASTM E 11
Estimated Shipping Weight Unavailable

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Specification ASTM E 11
Estimated Shipping Weight Unavailable
Meets Standard(s)
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