
Single Range Dial Thermometer, (0°–50°C)

Model: MA-124
Price: $37.50

Single Range Dial Thermometer, (0°–50°C) is a dual-range thermometer, with a 304 stainless steel dial case. It is equipped with a 1.75in (44.45mm) diameter polycarbonate dial face and indicating pointer and has an 8in (203.2mm) long stem. The accuracy is ±1% of the range. The polycarbonate dial face is not intended for use in an oven chamber.


  • Stainless steel case
  • Polycarbonate dial face

Included Items:

  • Dual Range Dial Thermometer (0°–50°C)
Temperature Range 0–50°C
Division 0.5°C
Accuracy ±1%
Length 8in (203.2mm)
Estimated Shipping Weight 0.4lb (0.18kg)
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