
Hydrometer Analysis of Soils Test Equipment

Hydrometer analysis of soil is widely used in testing the distribution of soil particle sizes. Testing is performed with specific products and required sedimentation methods to determine silt and clay fractions.


Sodium Hexametaphosphate (SHMP)
Models: SA-20, SA-20C
Dispersion Cup
Model: SA-16
Soil Dispersion Mixer

Soil Dispersion Mixer

Starting at $615.00
Models: SA-14, SA-14F
Sedimentation Cylinder
Model: SA-5
Soil Hydrometers

Soil Hydrometers

Starting at $28.00
Models: SA-1, SA-1T, SA-2, SA-2T
Constant Temperature Bath

Constant Temperature Bath

Starting at $3,650.00
Models: SA-25, SA-25F
Glass Lab Beakers

Glass Lab Beakers

Starting at $7.00
Models: GW-30, GW-30P, GW-31, GW-31P, GW-28, GW-28P, GW-29, GW-29P, GW-34, GW-34P, GW-38, GW-38P, GW-35, GW-35P
Mortar & Pestles

Mortar & Pestles

Starting at $14.50
Models: HM-109, HM-111
Hydrometer Analysis of Soils

The basic equipment needed for hydrometer analysis in conformance with ASTM D7928, ASTM D422, and AASHTO T 88 standards includes a Stirring Apparatus, Soil Hydrometers, Hydrometer Sedimentation Cylinder, Sodium Hexametaphosphate, and a Constant Temperature Bath. Soil specimens are mixed in a solution of water and sodium hexametaphosphate.

  • Sodium Hexametaphosphate is a dry powder dispersion agent used in mixing soil sample solutions.
  • Dispersion Cup for Soil Dispersion Mixer with the 1L capacity to hold soil samples for testing.
  • Soil Dispersion Mixer thoroughly mixes soil samples with a mixing blade.
  • Sedimentation Cylinder also called a hydrometer jar, is used with the soil hydrometers for testing suspended solids.
  • Soil Hydrometers measure suspended solids during testing. Select from models with a range of 0.995—1.038 or -5—+60 g/L.
  • Constant Temperature Bath maintains the uniform temperature in hydrometer testing.
  • No. 10 Test Sieve used for moist preparation of the sample for working through the clay particles to maintain the moisture.
  • No. 200 Test Sieve is used for washing the dry specimen through and collecting the reduced sample.
  • 300ml Glass Beaker can be used for mixing the soil specimen with water and sodium hexametaphosphate.
  • Mortar and Rubber Pestle for air-drying preparation of the sample which can be used to break up dried clumps of soil to pass a No. 10 test sieve.
  • Additional ASTM Test Sieves are needed for testing, refer to test methods.

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