
Sand Cone Density Apparatus (6.5in)

Model: HM-100
Price: $119.00

Sand Cone Density Apparatus (6-1/2in) consists of a metal cylindrical valve with 0.5in (12.7mm) dia. orifice and two cones. The top cone allows the 1gal (3.8L) plastic jar to be threaded onto the valve, and the bottom 60° sand cone is sufficiently rigid to prevent distortion or volume changes in the cone. The cylindrical valve includes stops to prevent rotation past completely open or closed positions. HM-102 Plastic Jar for Sand Cone Density Test is available as a replacement.

The sand cone density test is an accepted and inexpensive method of determining the in-place density of soils. It is effective in soils with particle sizes up to 1-1/2in (38mm), using test hole volumes of approximately 0.1ft³ (2.8L).


  • Jar with up to 1gal capacity
  • Valve stop prevents rotating past the open or closed position

Included Items

  • Sand Cone Density Apparatus


  • In-Place Density Accessory Kit with components needed for density testing.
  • Plastic Jar is available as a replacement or for additional jars on hand during testing.
  • 12x12in Density Plate fits the bottom 60° sand cone for filling the test hole with Density Sand.
  • Density Test Sand replaces the soil removed from the hole with sand of a known unit weight to determine an accurate volume of the hole.

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Capacity 1gal (3.8L)
Diameter Bottom Funnel Inside: 6.5in (165mm)

Upper Funnel (Smaller Funnel): 2.375 x 1.625in (60 x 41mm) Dia. x H

Bottom Funnel (Larger Funnel): 6.75 x 5.375in (171 x 136mm) Dia. x H

Plastic Sand Cone Jar: 6.5 x 11in (165 x 279mm) Dia. x H

Product Dimensions 6.75 x 18in (171 x 457mm) Dia. x H
Estimated Shipping Weight 5.0lb (2.27kg)

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Capacity 1gal (3.8L)
Diameter Bottom Funnel Inside: 6.5in (165mm)

Upper Funnel (Smaller Funnel): 2.375 x 1.625in (60 x 41mm) Dia. x H

Bottom Funnel (Larger Funnel): 6.75 x 5.375in (171 x 136mm) Dia. x H

Plastic Sand Cone Jar: 6.5 x 11in (165 x 279mm) Dia. x H

Product Dimensions 6.75 x 18in (171 x 457mm) Dia. x H
Estimated Shipping Weight 5.0lb (2.27kg)
Meets Standard(s)
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