In-place measurements of soil density are often performed through volume replacement of sands or liquids in accordance with ASTM or AASHTO standards. Gilson’s line of soil density products provides the tools needed to conduct in-place soil testing with maximum particle sizes up to 2in (51mm).

- Sand Cone Test Density Sand meets ASTM D1556 and AASHTO T 191 standards. It is free-flowing and uniform, with a bulk density that varies less than 1%.
- Sand Cone Density Apparatus (6.5in) is a plastic jar fitted with a metal valve and cone for soil density testing in accordance with ASTM D1556 and AASHTO T 191. The cone has a 6.5in (165mm) diameter.
- Sand Cone Density Apparatus (12in) is a larger sand cone apparatus for density determinations in gravels and coarse soils. The cone diameter is 12in (305mm).
- Balloon Density Testers (1/20ft³ or 1/13ft³) determine the in-place density of soils in compacted earth fills. The 1/20ft³ unit is for testing soils with 0.5in (13mm) maximum particle size, while the 1/13ft³ model tests soils with a particle size up to 1in (25mm). Water held in the calibrated vessel displaces a flexible balloon into a hole dug in the test area for volume measurements.
- In-Place Density Accessory Kit contains items needed for testing with Sand Cone Density Apparatus or Balloon Density Testers. Items in the kit include plastic sample bags, a pocket dial thermometer with a case, a fine bristle cleaning brush, a chisel, spoon, and a rubber mallet.
- Soil Density Volumeter is designed for portability and quick measurements of cohesive soil density. Its calibrated cylinder has a 30cm³ capacity.
For more information on Soil Density Testing Equipment, here are our related blogs: