Schmidt Hammers, Type L models are designed to evaluate concrete in the same compressive strength range as “standard” Type N hammers, but produce about 1/3 the impact energy, allowing for assessment of structural elements and rock formations vulnerable to impact damage. They are and thin sections, such as a precast pipe. With an impact force of 0.735Nm (0.54ft-lbf), Type L hammers are ideal for evaluation of green concrete and on specimens less than 4in (100mm) thick. Applications include thin-walled concrete elements and brittle objects.

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- Original Schmidt Type L Concrete Test Hammer is the traditional analog design with all the same features as the HM-75 Type N model, but with lower impact energies for testing thinner cross-sections or lower-strength mixes. Rebound readings are taken from a sliding indicator.
- Original Schmidt Digital Type L Concrete Test Hammer uses a traditional analog mechanism generating lower impact energy, but measures rebound energy electronically. Rebound (R) values, number of impacts, angle correction and series ID are automatically recorded and calculated, greatly increasing productivity. Strength estimation and uniformity assessments for hardened concrete are more accurate, repeatable, and efficient. Android and iOS Schmidt Live apps with cloud-based connectivity allow reporting of test results directly from the job site.
- Silver Schmidt Type L Concrete Test Hammer combines optical speed sensors and a lightweight alloy impact plunger to collect rebound data in the form of Q values. Lower impact energy is ideal for testing thinner or early age concretes. Data logging capabilities and automatic position correction allow more efficient testing and reporting. iOS and Android Schmidt Live apps for data management allow direct posting of test results from any location. With optional HMA-860 Mushroom Plunger, the Type L Silver Schmidt can test lower strength mix designs from 725 to 4,351psi (5 to 30mPa).
- Rock Schmidt Type L Test Hammer is a low-impact test hammer designed for geological and geotechnical applications to measure hardness, strength, and consistency of thin or fragile rock formations. The Type L Rock Schmidt includes RockLink software for analysis and reporting, development of correlation curves, and data collection.