
Speedy 2000 Moisture Testers

Standard Speedy 2000 Moisture Tester, 12g Specimen Weight

Standard Speedy 2000 Moisture Tester, 12g Specimen Weight

Model: MA-20A
Price: $1,861.00
Standard Speedy 2000 Moisture Tester, 6g Specimen Weight

Standard Speedy 2000 Moisture Tester, 6g Specimen Weight

Model: MA-21A
Price: $1,825.00
Large Speedy 2000 Moisture Tester, 20g Specimen Weight

Large Speedy 2000 Moisture Tester, 20g Specimen Weight

Model: MA-25
Price: $1,925.00
Large Speedy 2000 Moisture Tester, 8g Specimen Weight

Large Speedy 2000 Moisture Tester, 8g Specimen Weight

Model: MA-25C
Price: $2,145.00

Speedy 2000 Moisture Testers are widely accepted for rapid, accurate, and reliable moisture tests on materials such as sand, aggregates, ores, coal, soils, ceramics, abrasives, and other powders. The Speedy moisture testers are portable, easy to use, and do not require a power supply.

Samples can be tested on-site in minutes, eliminating the risk of moisture loss during transport. Place a weighed sample in the tester with a measured quantity of MAA-44 Calcium Carbide Reagent (due to shipping restrictions is sold separately) and seal with the cap. Upon agitation, free moisture in the test sample reacts with calcium carbonate to form acetylene gas. The pressure gauge reads directly in percent moisture by weight within 1–3 minutes. Moisture ranges can be doubled for all models by using 1/2 specimen weight and multiplying gauge reading by two.

Testers are available in four different models based on sample material, percent moisture range, and desired gauge accuracy. Each tester comes as a kit that contains testing components needed for moisture testing. All units have a tough, die-cast polished aluminum pressure chamber with an integral dial gauge. Each Speedy 2000 kit includes an electronic balance, reagent measuring scoop, brush, cleaning cloth, and instructions in a heavy-duty, waterproof case.

MA-20A and MA-21A Standard Speedy 2000 Moisture Testers units are used for sand, grains, clays, and fine powders. Both have a maximum particle size of 10mm.

  • MA-20A has a moisture range of 0–10% x 0.1% and a specimen weight of 12g
  • MA-21A has a moisture range of 0–20% x 0.2% and a specimen weight of 6g

MA-25 and MA-25C Large Speedy 2000 Moisture Testers are designed for testing soils, aggregates, coal, and ores with particle sizes up to 20mm. The Large Speedy Moisture Tester kits also include two MAA-47 Pulverizing Steel Balls for pulverizing the specimens.

  • MA-25 has a moisture range of 0–20% x 0.2% and a specimen weight of 20g which is in accordance with ASTM and AASHTO standards for soil moisture measurements.
  • MA-25C has a moisture range of 0–50% x 0.5% and a specimen weight of 8g


  • A fast, accurate proven method for moisture testing on many material types
  • MA-25 unit meets ASTM, AASHTO, and Florida DOT requirements
  • Portable, easy to operate, and no power supply required
  • Reduced risk of moisture loss during transport

Included Items:

  • Standard or Large Speedy 2000 Moisture Tester
    • Electronic digital balance
    • Reagent measuring scoop
    • Brush
    • Cleaning cloth
    • Instructions
    • Two steel pulverizing balls (MA-25 and MA-25C only)
    • Heavy-duty waterproof plastic case


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Maximum Particle Size

MA-20A and MA-21A: 10mm

MA-25 and MA-25C: 20mm

Moisture Range

MA-20A: 0 – 10 x 0.1%

MA-21A: 0 – 20 x 0.2%

MA-25: 0 – 20 x 0.2%

MA-25C: 0 – 50 x 0.5%

Specimen Weight

MA-20A: 12g

MA-21A: 6g

MA-25: 20g

MA-25C: 8g



MA-20A and MA-21A: 4 x 12in (102 x 305mm), Dia.x L

MA-25 and MA-25C: 5.5 x 14in (104 x 356mm), Dia.x L

Estimated Shipping Weight 23.0lb (10.43kg)
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Maximum Particle Size

MA-20A and MA-21A: 10mm

MA-25 and MA-25C: 20mm

Moisture Range

MA-20A: 0 – 10 x 0.1%

MA-21A: 0 – 20 x 0.2%

MA-25: 0 – 20 x 0.2%

MA-25C: 0 – 50 x 0.5%

Specimen Weight

MA-20A: 12g

MA-21A: 6g

MA-25: 20g

MA-25C: 8g



MA-20A and MA-21A: 4 x 12in (102 x 305mm), Dia.x L

MA-25 and MA-25C: 5.5 x 14in (104 x 356mm), Dia.x L

Estimated Shipping Weight 23.0lb (10.43kg)
Meets Standard(s)
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