
Fritsch Planetary Mills

Fritsch Planetary Mills perform fast and efficient milling through two-way planetary action. Sample size is reduced by the impact of the grinding balls in rotating grinding bowls. These high-energy ball mills are suitable for a broad range of applications, such as reducing particle size, mixing or homogenizing emulsions and pastes, and materials research.

Fritsch Planetary Ball Mills are available with one, two, or four grinding stations. Classic models perform fast milling, feature a simple, ergonomic design, and achieve a final fineness of <1µm. Premium models offer ultrafine milling, are equipped with additional safety features, and achieve a final fineness of <0.1µm depending on the material.


Fritsch Classic Planetary Mills

Fritsch Classic Planetary Mills

Starting at $18,192.00
Models: FT-60, FT-52, FT-52V, FT-54, FT-54V
Fritsch Premium Planetary Mill
Model: FT-50
Grinding Balls for Planetary Mills
Models: FTA-360, FTA-361, FTA-362, FTA-365, FTA-366, FTA-367, FTA-368, FTA-369, FTA-370, FTA-371, FTA-372, FTA-373, FTA-374, FTA-375, FTA-376, FTA-377, FTA-378, FTA-379, FTA-380, FTA-381, FTA-382, FTA-383, FTA-384, FTA-385, FTA-386, FTA-387, FTA-388, FTA-390, FTA-391, FTA-392, FTA-393, FTA-394, FTA-395, FTA-396, FTA-397
Grinding Bowls for Classic Planetary Mills
Models: FTA-301, FTA-302, FTA-303, FTA-304, FTA-311, FTA-312, FTA-313, FTA-314, FTA-315, FTA-321, FTA-322, FTA-323, FTA-324, FTA-325
Grinding Bowls for Premium Planetary Mills
Models: FTA-351, FTA-353, FTA-354, FTA-352, FTA-341, FTA-343, FTA-344, FTA-342, FTA-331, FTA-333, FTA-334, FTA-332
  • Fritsch Classic Planetary Mills quickly mill samples to a final fineness of <1µm, as well as homogenize and emulsify suspensions and pastes. Maximum feed size is 10mm. The Mono Mill has one station and uses a single grinding bowl with an adjustable counterbalance. This unit is ideal for small samples, has a rotational speed of 100–650rpm, and offers loss-free milling, even below 1µm. Two Station and Four Station units are available to process multiple samples simultaneously. Multi-station mills achieve a main disk speed of 50–400rpm and have a larger sample capacity of up to 450 or 900mL.
  • Fritsch Premium Planetary Mill has two milling stations and achieves a final fineness of <0.1µm. Maximum feed size is 10mm and sample capacity is up to 450mL. The Premium mill achieves rotational speeds of 100–800rpm, can accommodate 125, 150, 250, 420, and 500mL grinding bowls, and the typical milling time is only three minutes. Additional features include ServoLOCK clamping of the grinding bowls, a high-resolution touchscreen, and automatic closing of the grinding chamber.
  • Planetary Mill Grinding Balls are placed inside the grinding bowls along with the material to be milled. Grinding balls are available in five different materials and sizes, from 0.6 to 40 mm in diameter.
  • Planetary Mill Classic Grinding Bowls are used with Classic Planetary Mills and contain grinding balls and sample to be ground. Bowls are available in five different materials and sizes, from 80 to 500 mL.
  • Planetary Mill Premium Grinding Bowls are used with the Premium Planetary Mill and contain grinding balls and sample to be ground. Bowls are available in four materials and sizes from 125 to 500 mL.