
Steel Concrete Beam Molds, Hinge-Free

Product Files
6x6x20in Steel Concrete Beam Mold, Hinge Free

6x6x20in Steel Concrete Beam Mold, Hinge Free

Model: HM-279
Price: $164.00
6x6x21in Steel Concrete Beam Mold, Hinge Free

6x6x21in Steel Concrete Beam Mold, Hinge Free

Model: HM-281
Price: $166.00

Steel Concrete Beam Molds, Hinge-Free disassemble into individual parts for easy stripping, cleaning, and storage. They assemble quickly with plated bolts, wing nuts, and stainless steel U-bolt carrying handles, and are compact when broken down.


  • Quick and easy assembly and stripping
  • Break down into individual parts for cleaning and storing

Included Items:

  • Steel Concrete Beam Mold, Hinge-Free (6x6x20in or 6x6x21in)


  • Tamping Rods have hemispherical tips and are used when consolidating concrete beam or cylinder mold specimens
  • HMA-300 Rubber Mallet has a 2.25in (57mm) hard rubber face for consolidating concrete in unit weight measures or removing specimen molds
  • Finishing Trowels offer flat even finish on concrete surfaces
  • Hand Floats are used to provide a precise, smooth finish to ensure even sample loading
Product Dimensions

HM-279: 20 x 6 x 6in (508mm x 152 x 152mm), WxDxH

HM-281: 21 x 6 x 6in (533 x 152 x 152mm), WxDxH

Estimated Shipping Weight 25.0lb (11.34kg)
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