
Blog posts of '2015' 'June'

Have questions about your materials testing equipment?  We have the answers to these questions and much more right here! Check back monthly for long-form blog posts, how-to guides and infographics. We’ll address industry insights, the operation and maintenance of specific equipment, and our product line recommendations, all designed to better serve you.

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How to Select a Scale or Balance for Your Laboratory
An Equipment Selection Guide for Lab Scales and Lab Balances

Effective selection of a scale or balance requires forethought and planning. The essential considerations of capacity, accuracy, and readability are often specified in the test methods, but shopping for other features helps to find a model optimized for your particular application. This blog article is a guide to finding a laboratory weighing device that best meets your particular needs.

4 Important Steps to Reliable Concrete Test Cylinder Samples

Understand the basic methods used to ensure your concrete samples live up to their full potential.

Spring Cleaning: How to Clean Your Test Sieves

If you want to get optimal use out of your test sieves, you need to take the proper steps when it comes to storing and cleaning them. We’ve outlined a list of do’s and don’ts to follow this Spring so you can make your sieves last longer and retain their accuracy.