
Blog posts tagged with 'Equipment Selection Guide'

Have questions about your materials testing equipment?  We have the answers to these questions and much more right here! Check back monthly for long-form blog posts, how-to guides and infographics. We’ll address industry insights, the operation and maintenance of specific equipment, and our product line recommendations, all designed to better serve you.

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Ground Penetrating Radar for Concrete Evaluation: What's the latest?

Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) is a powerful tool for the nondestructive testing and evaluation of reinforced concrete. Next-generation refinements featured on these versatile new models from Gilson simplify the location and mapping of reinforcing steel bars, tendons, and other embedments while assessing homogeneity, measuring thickness, and detecting cracks, voids, and other discontinuities. GPR units connect wirelessly to Apple iPad® tablets for potent computing power, live 3D and Augmented Reality (AR) rendering, high-resolution display, and fast, easy upgrades. Encrypted Wi-Fi connection stores data in the cloud for instant sharing and collaboration.

Sample Dividing Coarse Materials: Volume, Particle Size, and Fractions
Sample Dividing Coarse Materials: Volume, Particle Size, and Fractions

In this blog post, we focus on the specialty large volume splitters. These sample dividers you may not see every day. They have unique features that could solve a problem for you when sample dividing coarse aggregates.

Sand Equivalent Test Method Explained: The Purpose and The Process

Fines and dust in asphalt and concrete aggregates have always been a problem. Whether naturally occurring or resulting from degradation during handling and transport, undesirable or unknown amounts of fines can impact the performance and cost of composite materials. This blog post discusses the importance, process, and procedure.

Rebar in Concrete: Nondestructive Characterization of Reinforcing Steel

Advances in technology continue to refine concrete cover meters and rebar locators, which have been around for decades and used to locate and identify concrete reinforcing steel accurately. They are integral to nondestructive evaluations of reinforced concrete structures and pavements to prevent damage to the reinforcing steel within the structure when drilling or cutting reinforced concrete. This blog post explores the features and capabilities of some of these popular instruments.

Setting Up A CMT Field Lab: Application-Specific Equipment & Considerations

In this month's blog, we examine the civil engineering laboratory equipment needed for typical operations performed where field laboratories for construction materials testing are required. With so many possible variations in specific project requirements, we break it down by application.

How To Set Up A Field Lab For Construction Materials Testing: The Essentials

In this blog, it will discuss setting up and furnishing temporary field-testing labs with essential laboratory equipment. Field labs are generally limited to a few particular tests, but no matter the material, most require the same essentials to measure properties like size, weight, and moisture.

Concrete Crack Measurement Techniques and Equipment to Use

Cracks in concrete are so common that they're practically inevitable. The good news is, not all of them are bad. The bad news is, sometimes it's hard to tell the difference. In this blog post, we will discuss how best to measure and monitor cracks and select the best equipment for the job.

Cement Testing Resource Guide: Methods & Equipment

"…[Hydraulic] cement can't be characterized as just one material."

In this blog, we discuss what specifications define hydraulic cement and their use, as well as test methods and which testing equipment to use for your test application.

How to Select the Right Jaw Crusher

The selection of the best jaw crusher for your application will naturally be governed by the particle size, volume, and properties of your bulk material, along with the desired particle size and quantity of the final sample. In this blog, we help you select the right jaw crusher for your testing application.

Dust and Noise: Can Better Equipment Help? Part 2: Noise

High decibel levels can potentially be a dangerous element in your materials testing lab. In part two of our special series on workplace safety, you’ll discover some of the best ways to reduce noise levels during testing.