
Gilson Insights

Have questions about your materials testing equipment?  We have the answers to these questions and much more right here! Check back monthly for long-form blog posts, how-to guides and infographics. We’ll address industry insights, the operation and maintenance of specific equipment, and our product line recommendations, all designed to better serve you.

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How To Set Up A Field Lab For Construction Materials Testing: The Essentials

In this blog, it will discuss setting up and furnishing temporary field-testing labs with essential laboratory equipment. Field labs are generally limited to a few particular tests, but no matter the material, most require the same essentials to measure properties like size, weight, and moisture.

Marshall Test Method: Everything You Need to Know

Maximum strength with minimum deformation. Get an in-depth look at how the Marshall method is used to attain optimum asphalt content.

What is Superpave? Understanding Performance-Based Asphalt

Superpave’s origins came from simple questions that ballooned into complex, numerous offshoots as time passed and funding permitted. In this blog post, we discuss the impact of Superpave from the perspective of mix design, construction materials testing, and equipment for the lab.

Asphalt Tack Coat: Testing Shear Strength

A multilayer asphalt design must perform as a single unit to withstand heavy traffic loads. In our latest blog, we’re taking a look at how asphalt tack coat is used to strengthen pavements, and how shear strength is tested to ensure optimal performance.

Build the Optimal System for Your Geotechnical Applications with Load Frames

A basic load frame offers flexibility to become a multi-functional testing apparatus simply by adding or removing individual components designed for specific soil tests – and your testing needs. This blog post explores what to consider in determining the right type of load frame, as well as components and fixtures to select from that, can adapt it for different tests and ensure efficiency in the materials testing lab.

Specific Gravity of Asphalt Test: What Equipment Do I Need?
 asphalt rice test

The Asphalt Rice Test is commonly used in determining theoretical maximum or asphalt specific gravity in accordance with ASTM and AASHTO standards. This blog post covers what you should know about the test and equipment available to help ensure testing in compliance with ASTM D2041 and AASHTO T 209.

Construction Materials Testing Certifications: an Overall Compilation
 Overall Certification Compilation

Over the past several months, we have explored various materials testing technician certifications and what it takes to achieve them. This final summary blog in the series includes what’s new, schedules for 2018 programs and testing, and a downloadable PDF Resource List. As any additional information becomes available, we will update the blog series accordingly.

Paving the Way to an Asphalt Technician Certification
Asphalt Technical Certification

Gilson continues its series of blog posts on what to know when preparing for and taking a technician certification exam. This third post covers asphalt technician certifications, and includes information and resources designed to help you with the process.

Construction Material Testing: 7 Things to Know About Certification
Construction Materials Testing: 7 Things to Know About Certification

An ever-increasing number of regulations, project requirements and even individual test methods require that laboratory and field personnel undergo specific training and pass certification examinations before they can perform certain tests for the record. This, and the wide array of training and certification programs available from different organizations, underscore the importance that the engineering and construction communities place on expertise, competency and accuracy in all areas of construction materials testing.

Gilson Asphalt Content Furnace: A Step-by-Step Maintenance Guide
Gilson Asphalt Content Furnace: A Step-by-Step Maintenance Guide

In order to ensure that your Gilson Asphalt Content Furnace operates smoothly for many years, we’ve outlined some maintenance procedures and tips to follow.