
Blog posts tagged with 'Aggregate Testing'

Have questions about your materials testing equipment?  We have the answers to these questions and much more right here! Check back monthly for long-form blog posts, how-to guides and infographics. We’ll address industry insights, the operation and maintenance of specific equipment, and our product line recommendations, all designed to better serve you.

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How to Select the Right Jaw Crusher

The selection of the best jaw crusher for your application will naturally be governed by the particle size, volume, and properties of your bulk material, along with the desired particle size and quantity of the final sample. In this blog, we help you select the right jaw crusher for your testing application.

Characteristics of Aggregates: Shape, Size & Specific Gravity

Concluding our two-part series on aggregate characteristics. Find out how shape, size, and specific gravity play a part in determining the effectiveness of aggregates in construction projects.

Aggregate Properties You Need to Know: Strength & Durability

Soundness, toughness, and durability are all critical components to the effectiveness of aggregates used in construction. In part one of our series on aggregates, you’ll get an insider’s look at their strength properties, the methods of testing, and how to select the proper equipment for testing.

Dust and Noise: Can Better Equipment Help? Part 2: Noise

High decibel levels can potentially be a dangerous element in your materials testing lab. In part two of our special series on workplace safety, you’ll discover some of the best ways to reduce noise levels during testing.

Dust and Noise: Can Better Testing Equipment Help? Part 1 Dust

In part one of our special series on workplace safety, we take a look at how advances in materials testing equipment are minimizing potentially harmful exposure to dust in the lab.

Streamlining Aggregate Gradation Tests: Tips and Tricks

Sieving for particle size distribution is the primary test requested for construction aggregate samples. Whether field samples are being tested to evaluate a new aggregate source or just coming in as part of day-to-day quality control of production, particle size distribution is a primary consideration. If processing and sieving is not handled efficiently, it creates a backlog.

Fineness Modulus of Aggregate

When designing concrete mixes, fineness modulus of the fine aggregate alone is required for effective proportioning of mixes. This blog post explores the process of determining and calculating fineness modulus, and how to accordingly select proportions of coarse aggregate.

The Gray Pages: ASTM’s How-To for Concrete and Aggregates Testing

The Gray Pages: the how and why of test methods and a guide to performing concrete and aggregate tests efficiently while complying with requirements within the standards.

Construction Materials Testing Certifications: an Overall Compilation
 Overall Certification Compilation

Over the past several months, we have explored various materials testing technician certifications and what it takes to achieve them. This final summary blog in the series includes what’s new, schedules for 2018 programs and testing, and a downloadable PDF Resource List. As any additional information becomes available, we will update the blog series accordingly.

Preparing for an Aggregate Technician Certification
Preparing for an Aggregate Technician Certification

Gilson continues its series of blog posts on what to know when preparing for and taking a technician certification exam. This third post covers aggregate technician certifications and includes information and resources designed to help you with the process.