The hectic pace in your laboratory keeps you busy and it’s easy to forget about checking the condition of equipment that’s used every day, such as sieves. How do you know when it’s time to replace your sieves? Take a look at our previous post, 5 Simple Steps to Setting up a Flawless Quality Control Program, to stay on top of maintaining your sieves.
Ongoing verification of working sieves is just as important as starting with reliable, verified new ones. Over time, wire cloth stretches, sags and even tears, and abrasive materials can change the size of individual openings. An effective, ongoing QC/QA program in your lab means more than just buying new verified test sieves. You must also set up a schedule to re-verify that your sieves are in working order and meet their minimum requirements. Performance checks can be conducted on-site to monitor general wear using Standard Reference Materials, or by creating your own reference samples. For standardized Verification to ASTM E11 or ISO 565, 3310-1 requirements, sieves should be returned for reverification procedures using NIST traceable equipment. In this post, we’ll answer all your questions regarding reverification of your used sieves.

How often do I need to replace my sieves?
Times may vary depending on use, however the more your sieves are used with abrasive materials, the sooner they should be checked for ongoing compliance. Material and usage will affect the recommended in-use sieve reverification schedule. Contact us for a suggestion.

How do I ship my sieves to you?
Begin by contacting us at sieveservices@gilsonco.com to obtain the necessary return authorization. Pack your sieves in a cardboard box with packing materials and authorization form inside to prevent damage.

Do I need to clean my sieves before sending them in?
Yes. Sieves are used to process many different kinds of materials and it can be difficult to identify potentially hazardous residue. To ensure the safety of our laboratory personnel, all sieves received must be clean and free of debris. Dirty sieves will be returned to you.

Does my used sieve have to be previously verified?
No. A used sieve does not need to be previously verified.

What if the sieve I send in doesn’t meet inspection or calibration requirements?
If your sieve does not meet the required specifications, we will send the old sieve back to you with no fee for reverification. We’ll then contact you and give you the option to purchase a new sieve and have it verified.

What is the mailing address they should be sent to?
You can ship your sieves to: 7975 North Central Dr. Lewis Center, OH 43035-200

When can I expect to receive the sieves back?
You should receive your re-verified sieves back within 2-3 weeks.