
Gilson Insights

Have questions about your materials testing equipment?  We have the answers to these questions and much more right here! Check back monthly for long-form blog posts, how-to guides and infographics. We’ll address industry insights, the operation and maintenance of specific equipment, and our product line recommendations, all designed to better serve you.

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Corrosion of Steel Reinforcement in Concrete: Detecting, Mapping, and Monitoring

The corrosion of reinforcing steel is a significant and preventable problem that shortens the useful lifespan of concrete structures. The mechanisms for its development and how it eventually damages the concrete structures it was designed to protect have been well-known for over 100 years. Similar to progressive disease, early detection and monitoring are the most effective strategies to minimize problems. Fortunately, innovative nondestructive instruments are making it easier and more efficient to find, follow, and repair corrosion before extensive damage occurs.

5 Concrete Strength Testing Methods – Non-Destructive

Testing the properties of hardened concrete is central to evaluating a structure, whether it is decades old or still under construction. In-place testing of concrete is a significant part of assessing an existing structure's safety and physical condition for routine maintenance before modifications. This blog post will discuss in-place and nondestructive methods and equipment to measure concrete strength.

Ground Penetrating Radar for Concrete Evaluation: What's the latest?

Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) is a powerful tool for the nondestructive testing and evaluation of reinforced concrete. Next-generation refinements featured on these versatile new models from Gilson simplify the location and mapping of reinforcing steel bars, tendons, and other embedments while assessing homogeneity, measuring thickness, and detecting cracks, voids, and other discontinuities. GPR units connect wirelessly to Apple iPad® tablets for potent computing power, live 3D and Augmented Reality (AR) rendering, high-resolution display, and fast, easy upgrades. Encrypted Wi-Fi connection stores data in the cloud for instant sharing and collaboration.

The Automation Revolution: Concrete Compression Machines

Automatic concrete compression machines are here to stay and they promise to revolutionize concrete testing. Programmable loading and load rates, break detection, and data handling ensure full compliance to selectable test specifications, more accurate results, and all but eliminate human error. Less operator input means more tests completed in less time.

Concrete Resistivity: A Guide for Nondestructive Testing

This blog post provides insight into test methods and testing equipment for use in concrete resistivity testing. We discuss the use of the Proceq Resipod Concrete Resistivity Meter for surface resistivity and how to perform bulk resistivity.

Concrete Moisture Testing: What Equipment Works for Your Application?

The amount, type, location, and movement of moisture in a concrete slab need to be clearly understood to avoid problems when placing a flooring system over it. In this blog, we take a look at the various methods and equipment to use for testing concrete for moisture.

Concrete and Asphalt Core Drilling: When, Why, and How

This blog post will focus on the core drilling method and the core sampling equipment. We discuss why and how core samples are taken from asphalt and concrete. Lastly, we touch on some of the different lab tests performed.

Concrete Cylinder Testing - From the Field to the Lab

In this month's blog post we will focus on standard-cure cylinders made for compressive strength acceptance testing. Including the importance of cylinder testing, a quick guide on the procedure, and the equipment needed in the field and lab.

Rebar in Concrete: Nondestructive Characterization of Reinforcing Steel

Advances in technology continue to refine concrete cover meters and rebar locators, which have been around for decades and used to locate and identify concrete reinforcing steel accurately. They are integral to nondestructive evaluations of reinforced concrete structures and pavements to prevent damage to the reinforcing steel within the structure when drilling or cutting reinforced concrete. This blog post explores the features and capabilities of some of these popular instruments.

Setting Up A CMT Field Lab: Application-Specific Equipment & Considerations

In this month's blog, we examine the civil engineering laboratory equipment needed for typical operations performed where field laboratories for construction materials testing are required. With so many possible variations in specific project requirements, we break it down by application.